128 m3 New Non-Propelled Split Hopper Barge

  • 556,000 EUR
  • 211109-BS

NEW BARGE – Just used for testing. Built in 2020. The 128 m3 hopper capacity has a load capacity of 150 tons. Barge opening system is with hydraulic actutors – Iveco diesel hydraulic unit new with 150hp. Length is 24.146 m and width is 7.520 m.

Location: Northern Europe

  Built: 2020
Principal Dimensions and Characteristics
  Length Over All: 24.146 m 79.22-feet
  Width: 7.520 24.67-feet
  Light Weight: 70 tonnes 77.16 tons
  Cargo Capacity: 128 m3 168 yd3
  Load Capacity: 150 ton 165.35 tons
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