20-inch Booster Barge

  • 330,000 EUR
  • 180414-CP

This listing is for a 20-inch Booster Barge that was built in Holland by IHC. It was last run about one year ago.

Location: Adriatic Sea

Principal Dimensions and Characteristics

Royal IHC (Holland) type 128,5-22,5-45

    Discharge Diameter: 500 mm 20 inches
    Suction Diameter: 500 mm 20 inches

Unit Dimensions:

    Length Overall: 9.40 m 31 feet
    Beam Moulded: 3.50 m 11.5 feet
    Depth Moulded:  3.00 m 10 feet
  Pump Engines (2):
    Make/Model: Cummins / KT38M
    Power: 522 kW x 2 700 hp x 2
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