800 hp Single Screw General Purpose Towing Tug

  • 240,000 EUR
  • 210908-VN

Single screw tug is powered by a NIIGATA 6MG 20 CX 800hp engine. The tug has a length of 23.90 m, a breadth of 7.0 m and depth of 3.0 m. The tug was built in 1985 in Japan.

Location: West Mediterranean Sea

  Built Year / Place: 1985 / Japan
Principal Dimensions and Characteristics
  Length: 23.90 m 78.6-ft
  Breadth: 7.0 m 23-ft
  Depth: 3.0 m 9.10-ft
  Draft: 2.25 m 7.5-ft
Machinery and Propulsion
    Make/Model: NIIGATA 6MG 20 CX
    Total Power @ 1800 rpm: 597 kW 800 hp
    Main Propulsion System: 1 set screw propeller
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