860 bhp Twin Screw Work Boat

  • 112,000 GBP
  • 200129-VA
  • Location: United Kingdom

Currently laid up ashore under suspended class arrangement. Reported to be fully operational but needs class and code surveys to be able to operate when required. Special survey is due 12th April 2021. Rebuilt and re-engined 2010, UK.

Engine hours are approximations, due to her not having latest hours entered, as crew only sailed her from last port to current. Main engines have oils and filters changed at 500 hr intervals, with further checks at 1,500 hrs. No overhauls due on these engines as only installed in 2010.

Both generator sets have service intervals of 250 hrs, where oils and filters are changed. Further checks are done at 500, 1,000 and 2,000 hrs, as per manufacturers’ guidelines.

Class is currently suspended at Owners’ request as she is laid up ashore, so to reinstate it they’d have to do a docking survey which is no problem as she is anyway out of the water. Special survey is due 12th April 2021.

Flag: United Kingdom

Location: United Kingdom

Built: 1983 / Netherlands
Hull Material: Steel
Class Society and Notation: MCA Cat 3, 20 nm off. (currently suspended at Owner’s request)
Flag: United Kingdom
Principal Dimensions and Characteristics
Length Over All: 23.30 m 76.5-feet
Breadth: 5.10 m 16.7-feet
Draft: 1.40 m 4.6-feet
Speed maximum: 13 knots
Fuel Oil Storage Capacity: 3.94 m3 1041gal
Fuel Oil Day Tank: 0.431 m3 114 gal
Drinking Water Capacity: 0.796 m3 210 gal
Consumption: 70 litres/hr
Engines and Propulsion
Main Engine:
Make/Model: 2 x Scania DII2 60M
Total Power: 645 kW 860 bhp
Main Engine Hours:
Port M/E: 10,650 hrs – last service done at 10,571 hrs
Stbd M/E: 10,650 hrs – last service done at 10,656 hrs
Gensets: 2 x 20/27 kva silenced, domestic boiler, 24v-220v inverters
Onan Genset: 16,687 hrs
Hatz Genset: 17,569 hrs
Main Propulsion System: Twin screw
Propellers: 2
Navigation and Communication Equipment
GPS and magnetic compasses, DGPS, 2 x radars, echo sounder,
doppler log, AIS, cameras and displays, Navtex, electronic chart
display, autopilot, GMDSS area A3, Inmarsat C, MF/HF radio, 3 x VHF
radios, Epirb and Sart, 3 x loud hailers and intercoms, Iridium satellite
phone with email, cell phone, satellite broadband modem.
spacious wheelhouse with dinette, survey desk, spacious interior below with large galley/mess room and seating, large clear aft deck
350mm x 660mm multibeam transducer moon pool
350mm x 250mm moon pool
All details on these pages are given in good faith and are believed to be accurate but no warranty of accuracy or completeness or suitability for purpose is either stated or implied. Prices are subject to change without notice.