Revolving Crane Barge with Towing Tug & Pusher Boat

  • 92,000,000 JPY
  • 200302-BL

The barge was built in 1997 in Japan. It has a hold capacity of 1020 m3. The crane is a SKK-16010GDT-AS with a lift capacity of 165 tonnes and includes a grab bucket of 12 m3 x 20 tonnes. The barge has 2 sets of spuds. It is reported to be in good operating condition.

The package includes a towing tug and a pusher boat. Information available on request.

Located: Japan

  Built Year/Place 1997 / Japan  
Principal Dimensions and Characteristics
  Length: 57 m 187-feet
  Beam: 18 m 59-feet
  Depth: 3.5 m 11.5-feet
  Deadweight: 2000 ton  
Crane Characteristics
  Make/Model: SKK-16010GDT-AS
  Lift Capacity: 165 tonnes  182 tons
  Engine: Mitisubish S12N-MPTA  
  Engine Power: 1310 psi @1800 rpm  
  Generator: Danyo 125 KVA / Danyo 25 KVA
  Boom: 36.4 m 119-feet
  Hook: 20 tonnes, 55 tonnes, 90 tonnes

 22 tons, 61 tons, 99 tons

  Grab Bucket: 12 m3 x 20 tonnes 15.7 yd3 x 22 tons
Barge Hold:
  Size: 22 x 15 x 2.9 m 72 x 49 x 9.5 feet
  Capacity: 1020 m3 1334 yd3
Spuds (2 sets):
  Length: 26 m 85-feet
  Beam: 1.2 m x 1.2 m 4 x 4-feet
  All details on these pages are given in good faith and are believed to be accurate but no warranty of accuracy or completeness or suitability for purpose is either stated or implied. Prices are subject to change without notice