30″ Flange Adaptors HDPE & Backing Rings
-Brand New / Never Used 40 each – 30″ DR 13.5 IPS FLANGE ADAPTERS – HDPE ID: 25.289″ OD: 30.000” 40 each – 30″ DR 11 IPS BACKUP RINGS – DUCTILE IRON Location: Louisiana Dimensions Material: High Density Polyurethane (HDPE) Inner Diameter: 25.289 in. Outer Diameter: 30 in. Quantity…
10-inch SDR 17 Stub Ends with Flanges
Approximately 98 stub ends with flanges. Location: State of Oregon, USA USD 75.00 per end Our pipe inventory changes weekly. If you don’t see what you’re looking for please give us a call at +1 (225) 301-2873 or email us to discuss what you’re looking for.
16-inch Hose, Flange x Flange, non floating (NEW)
The hoses are Trelleborg, 16-inches ID, pressure rating 15 bar, (225 psi). Electrically continuous. 8 pieces each with a length of 40-feet. Location: State of Texas, USA USD 6,500 each hose Our pipe inventory changes weekly. If you don’t see what you’re looking for please give us a call at +1 (225) 301-2873 or email…
12-inch SDR 11 HDPE Pipe
Quantity Available: – 6,000 feet. Pipe was only used on one job pumping slit and shows very little wear, if any. Price includes delivery to Port of Seattle, Washington USA Location: State of Hawaii, USA Principal Dimensions and Characteristics Material High Density Polyurethane (Black) Pipe OD (Nominal) 12.75-inches 324 mm Pipe ID (Nominal) 10.293-inches 261…
10-inch SDR 7.3 HDPE (Polyetheline) pipe
15,840-feet of 10-inch SDR 7.3 used to transfer produced water. Pipe is in 50′ sections. SOLD Location: state of Tennessee, USA Dimensions and Characteristics Pipe OD (Nominal): 10.75-inches 273 mm Pipe ID (Nominal): 7.494-inches 190.35 mm Wall Thickness (Nominal): 1.536-inches 39.01 mm Weight Per Foot: 19.40-pounds 8.80 kg Our pipe inventory changes weekly. If you…
10-inch Aluminum Fabricated Flanges
Available: 36 total. The collar portion of the flange is 1/4″ thick aluminum with 1/2″ bolt holes to connect to the pipe. The face of the flange is 1/2″ thick with 1/2″ bolt holes. Pipe sold separately. see pipe listing. Location: State of Florida, USA USD $100.00 each
10-inch SDR 11 Pipe w/10 attached flanges
Quantity Available: 2,500-feet of 10-inch SDR 11 Pipe some with flanges and rings. Pipe is cut and stacked in 50’ lengths and has outer cosmetic scrapes but structurally sound with minimal interior wear but there are many welds. Steel transport racks shown are available for USD $1,100 each. Location: State of Oregon, USA USD 9.29…
355 mm (14-inch) Dredge Hose
This 355 mm (14-inch) Dredge Hose is used but in great condition. Quantity Available: 60 feet Total 4 pcs. in 10-foot lengths 4 pcs. in 5-foot lengths Location: Texas, USA Price for 10-ft. lengths of Hose: USD 850 each Price for 5-ft. lengths of Hose: USD 600 each Principal Dimensions…
36-inch SDR 17 NEW HDPE Pipe
Quantity Available: 200-feet of New 36-inch SDR 17 HDPE Pipe in 50-foot lengths. Location: State of Arizona, USA USD 148.00 per foot Principal Dimensions and Characteristics Material High Density Polyurethane (Black) Pipe OD (Nominal) 36-inches 914.4-mm Pipe ID (Nominal) 31.510-inches 800.4-mm Wall Thickness (Nominal) 2.118-inches 53.8-mm Weight Per Foot 98.36-pounds 44.62-kg Standard Dimension Ratio (SDR)…
500 mm (20-inch) x 11 m (35-feet) Floating Hose
This 500 mm (20-inch) x 11 m (35-feet) Floating Hose Floating Hose was originally used for discharging oil tankers. It was purchased as surplus by the current owner for use on a dredging project that never materialized, so there is no internal wear at all. Quantity Available: 10 pipes Location: Italy …
Not Available – 14-inch SDR 17 HDPE Pipe
Quantity Available: 1,100-feet in 50-foot lengths. The pipe is in excellent condition, has 1,300 hours of use and was used only to move mud. Location: State of Maryland, USA Principal Dimensions and Characteristics Material High Density Polyurethane (Black) Pipe OD (Nominal) 14-inches 355.6 mm Pipe ID (Nominal)…
12-inch SDR 17 Used HDPE Pipe
Quantity Available: 35,000-Feet Available. In 50-ft lengths. Location: State of Wyoming, USA Principal Dimensions and Characteristics Material High Density Polyurethane (Black) Pipe OD (Nominal) 12.75-inches 324 mm Pipe ID (Nominal) 11.16-inches 283 mm Walt Thickness (Nominal) 0.750 29 mm Standard Dimension Ration (SDR) 17 Weight Per Foot (Nominal) 12.362-pounds 5.6 kg All details on these…
24-inch Dredge Discharge Hose – New Surplus
Available for Sale is some Townley 24-inch rubber hoses and some heavy duty couplings. These hoses have never been used, although they have some weathering particularly on the softer inner lining. The exteriors look excellent with little signs of weathering. The couplings are heavy duty five bolt together parts and are labeled as 26 inch…
Sold – 14-inch SDR 13.5 HDPE Pipe
Quantity Available: 14,200-feet of 14-inch SDR 13.5 Pipe in 50-foot lengths. Location: State of Wyoming, USA Principal Dimensions and Characteristics Material High Density Polyurethane (Black) Pipe OD (Nominal) 14-inches 355.6 mm Pipe ID (Nominal) 11.80-inches 299.72 mm Wall Thickness (Nominal) 1.037-inches 26.34 mm Weight Per Foot 18.52-pounds 8.40 kg Standard Dimension Ratio (SDR) 13.5 All…
Sold – 10-inch SDR 32.5 HDPE Pipe
Quantity Available: 2,200-feet of 10-inch SDR 32.5 in 50-foot lengths (44 pieces). Location: State of Illinois, USA Principal Dimensions and Characteristics Material High Density Polyurethane (Black) Pipe OD (Nominal) 10.75-inches 273.05 mm Pipe ID (Nominal) 10.048-inches 255.22 mm Wall Thickness (Nominal) 0.331-inches 8.407 mm Weight Per Foot 4.77-pounds 2.16 kg Standard Dimension Ratio (SDR) 32.5…
SOLD: 12-inch SDR 17 HDPE Pipe
Quantity available: 2,700-feet of 12-inch SDR 17 in 50-foot lengths. Approximately 40 flanges included. SOLD Location: state of Maryland, USA Principal Dimensions and Characteristics Material: High Density Polyurethane (Black) Pipe OD (Nominal): 12.75-inches 323.85 mm Pipe ID (Nominal): 11.16-inches 283.46 mm Wall Thickness (Nominal): 0.750-inches 19.05 mm Weight Per Foot: 12.34-pounds 5.6 kg Standard…
SOLD: 4-inch SDR 17 Pipe with Aluminum Cam Lock Fittings
Quantity available: 600-feet. 30 sections of 4-inch SDR 17 Pipe in 20-foot lengths. Pipe only used for a couple of weeks to pump water. SOLD Location: State of Missouri, USA Principal Dimensions and Characteristics Material: High Density Polyurethane (Black) Pipe OD (Nominal): 4.50-inches 114.3 mm Pipe ID (Nominal): 3.939-inches 100 mm Weight Per Foot: 1.540…
SOLD: 16-inch SDR 17 HDPE (Polypipe) New Surplus
Quantity Available – 1,000 ft in 40-foot lengths (25 pieces total). New Surplus. Location: State of Florida, USA Principal Dimensions and Characteristics Material High Density Polyurethane (Black) Pipe OD (Nominal) 406.4 mm 16 inches Pipe ID (Nominal) 356 mm 14.005 inches Wall Thickness (Nominal) 24 mm…