900 m3 Self Propelled Split Hopper Backhoe Dredger
In progress vessel. Requires 3 months to complete. The 900 m3 hopper has a hydraulic splitting mechanism. The cargo capacity is 1100 T. The vessel is 63.50 m in length and 11.36 m in breadth. The main engine is 2 Cummins- NTA 855 with 400 hp each. Vessel can be purchased with or without a…
Not Available: 7000 m3 Trailing Suction Hopper Dredger (TSHD)
This 7200 m3 capacity hoop dredge has total installed power of 11,163 kW. Unloading can be handled by either pump ashore, bottom hump or rainbowing. Pumping distance is approximately 1500 m (4,921-feet) and rainbowing approximately 50 m (164-feet). The dredger has accommodations for 33 persons. Note that when current owners took delivery, dredger was comprehensively…
Not Available: 4,500 m3 Trailing Suction Hopper Dredger (TSHD)
Built in 2007 in China, this dredger has been working in Western India since 2007 with the same owner. The dredger has 22 section bottom dump Hopper with a hold capacity of 4500 m3 and a telescopic hydraulically operated weir level overflow system. The vessel has accommodations for 29 persons. Location: India …